Monday, October 12, 2009

Confession of A Broken Heart

It's a belated responce, as always, it's not Lindsay Lohan and it's not about me (hell no).

Quite recently I've read an old post of my fren from her blog. It is a rather annoying post that articulated her aversion towards her mom, in so naming it 'To Not Meet You Again For The Next Life'.

It was pain staking to see a healthy individual to react so aggrasively against a person so close to her. Glancing through the passages I could feel the agony, wrath sipping throughout her writing, in such intensity that it engulfed and eradicated her rationality. She expressed her aggravated emotion, showing us examples after examples on how her mom disdained and contemned her to a worthless base. A sad story.

It thus raises our attention, regarding the factual accuracy and moral stand. But for me, it never was one's fault to command this upheaval. The girl was void of love, but empty or enclosed? Did the mom merely pouring an enclosed tank with love or did she endeavours in unlocking it? Who's the one to break the barrier, to melt the ice and put this misunderstanding to a halt? I just hope that her mom can read what she've writen and do her best to resolve the issue.

Us who gossiped and us who watched should be grateful that this don't happen to us and start embracing our relationship. Stop complaining over stupid and microscopic discontentment in our lives but focus more on the big picture (getting philosophic lol). And to borrow a quote from Elizabeth Gilbert, "there's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in."

Nontheless, a song dedicated to our family.

Ode to My Family, by The Cranberries