Monday, April 6, 2009


A post dedicated to people I have a sense of aversion with.
(Sceptics: If you think you are one, YOU ARE)

Ugly, a sense of unpleasing like we always say persist all around. It is subjective. Up to one who defines ugly, in quest of teasing the one who well meet all or portion of the criteria.

Ugly for me is more of an wicked inner protrusion, if not, also a lethal combination of bad look, bad taste and misbehaviour. And by here i mean, one can be loud, spontaneous, defy cohesion, but to a certain extand. For one who crossed over a fine line of being an acquired personality, it provokes discontentment, an unity of discontentment.

Some advice for those I would like to frut beyond hatred.

Mr. 1 :
Not everyone is a born live wire. You tends to draw other attention in a rather more annoying way, congratz for accomplishing what you craved but unfortunately, the wrong kind of it. Well, sometimes doing less is doing more. For looks like yours, I have to pity you. But there is no mercy on such lack of society judgement. And your smile..... Forget it, it's painful.

Mr. 2:
Trust me, you are beyond stingy, you are like an obsessive-compulsive hoarder, hoarder of fortune, hoarder of power even hoarder of knowledge. OK, I know you are rich, but so what, honey, you are so poor insider out. Why be envious of someone else when you can actually cherish, I don't get it.... Not least, if you really beat up your wife and end in bankruptcy, and you have realized the con, we always keep our hands open.

Mr. 3:
Worst of them all, you are the father of all son of bitches and vixens. Being flirtatious is ok, but keep it your own, don't spill your lust and blush publicly because it's just an eye sore. Moreover, try be more secretive when you happen to have a harassment endeavor. More moreover, quite lately, please, when you are wrong, make an apology. Don't be a mad dog who barks the class off and well, much to your favour, draws attention (Of leafy issues, oops). We know you are a jerk, an kind reminder need not be enthrusted.

Mr. Me:
Stop being a critic, do self-judge when you judge. (HARDLY)

Be beautiful, JJ


  1. JJ you're starting to freak me off with all the emo words you're usin.

    Anyhow learn from the master - angelo

    and oh, congratz on ur opening of a new emo blog~

    will be updating myself from time to time.

  2. It's an courageous endeavor to live up to Rosie's apettite, factual writing are not in favour nowaday. Plus, laterative writing just ain't me, to go emo is the one and only highway to success.

  3. ppl r judgemental..
    n tat includes u, my dear..
    try to blog bout happy things lur..
    there r just too many ugly things in this world..
    start looking for pretty things..^^

  4. I will. But how could beauty outshine, without ugly...
